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Robert Palkovitz

Remote Tutoring is a Chemistry tutoring service led by Robert Palkovitz. As an undergrad and grad student, Rob taught, tutored, or TAd every class he could fit in his schedule. Rob graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 2021 with his Master's in Chemistry and has since worked as a startup launch manager and private consultant across multiple sectors.

Rob founded Remote Tutoring in 2024 to pursue his love of teaching while sustaining his private sector projects.


I've always been fascinated by how things work, from the macro all the way down to the nano. In college I took every Chemistry course available, earning an American Chemical Society certified Chemistry major, double-majoring with Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, and completed all the pre-med course requirements as a side interest. I conducted over 1000 hours of independent research in synthetic mechanistic organic chemistry, most of it during the summers. On top of all that, I tutored General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry 10 hours a week, served as a teaching assistant for multiple lab courses a semester, and ran weekly supplemental instruction for Organic Chemistry.

I attended Johns Hopkins University for graduate school and joined the Tovar lab. I scored in the 96th percentile nationally on the Organic Chemistry ACS graduate school entrance exam. My coursework included Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Advanced Mechanistic Organic Chemistry, C & O Electrochemistry, Photophysics and Photochemistry, among others. My dissertation research focused on the development of biocompatible self-assembling photocatalytic organic nanomaterials for solar fuel production. I also served as a teaching assistant for General and Organic Chemistry, became a Head TA in my second year, and volunteered for remote summer teaching during the COVID pandemic. I also taught the Chemistry with Problem Solving course, a supplemental pass/fail credit for students who earned a grade lower than a B in a prior semester of Chemistry or who had not taken Chemistry in high school.

I left JHU in the fall of 2021 with a Master's in Chemistry after the pandemic slowdown prompted the realization that a long-term career in academia didn't align with my personal goals. After graduate school, I leaned fully into private consulting work, juggling high-stakes projects and averaging 100 working hours per week across several global time zones. This was, as most things are, fun until it wasn't. I scaled back on taking new consulting jobs and found that, once I could hear myself think, I really missed teaching. That love of teaching is what drives Remote Tutoring. The core idea behind Remote Tutoring is to allow me to continue teaching far into the future without having to sacrifice my other entrepreneurial obligations and opportunities. This benefits both of us, as it firmly believes that people who teach out of joy and genuine interest do a better job. I look forward to sharing my experience, knowledge, and enthusiasm with you.

If you're interested in working with me, awesome, let's set up a call here. If you still have questions or just want to get a better feel, you're welcome to ask me during our meeting, or you can email or text me here.